This is Takashi's page.
He is also autistic. He graduated from the same public school as Kazuo.
He has lived at home since then. But that doesn't mean he has shut himself
up in his house. He has been fine and energetic. He has been keeping
contact with the nearby public high school he once took an entrance exam for.
And now, in addition to this interaction, he goes to Hanazono univ. once a week.
His ativities are based on his enthusiasm to live his life with people of the same
generation. We hoped he would be interested in a hobby,so he also learns swimming,
wood carving, ceramic art, and other crafts.
He and two of his friends sell their hand-made works twice a month.
People like to buy wood-carved mascots and vases which have pictures of his
favorite cats. Now he is 26 years old, and he enjoys his life with his mother.
But considering his future, it's not good for him to spend all his time with her.
He is patient, accurate in his work and skillful.
We hope he will be able to work in society. We are expecting to find him a job
1~3 days a week.
Professor Sumio Hamada wrote a book titled "Live As You Are" published
by Iwanami Shoten, in which he described him in 60 pages.
If you have a chance, please read it.
wood carvings |
pieces of pottary |